—   Lesson series

Prompt Engineering Course

Not impressed with ChatGPT?
Our Prompt Engineering Mini Course, a focused bundle of lessons from our AI Learning Hub, is tailored for those dissatisfied with generic AI outputs. This mini course is your gateway to mastering the art of crafting precise, relevant, and impactful prompts, guided by expert instruction. Dive deep into the science of prompt engineering with strategies designed to transform your AI interactions, ensuring impressive, intentional outputs every time.

What You'll Learn:

  • Applied Prompt Engineering: Real-world examples of successful prompt techniques across various association and nonprofit use cases.

  • Efficient Prompting: Learn to minimize the trial and error with AI, saving you time in getting the right results on the first try.

  • Advanced Prompt Refinement: Learn the nuances of prompt engineering to refine complex requests, enhancing the sophistication of AI responses.

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